Community Kitchen

Community Commercial Kitchen

North Coast Opportunities Community Action (NCO) and the Willits Action Group (WAG) received a two year grant from the California Endowment. The goal of the grant is to strengthen our local food system. The overall project is called Mendo Food Futures and has three primary components:

  • Community Kitchen
  • Local Distribution System
  • Local Granary

This project creates partnerships with farmers, food advocates, agencies and community groups such as WELL, Mendo Futures, STEPS, and others.

We are working with the Little Lake Grange to remodel the existing kitchen to provide a certified commercial kitchen that can be rented at an affordable rate to people who want to process food and create value-added products for resale or home use. It could also be used by groups such as the gleaners, canning groups and for cooking classes.
We are currently finishing the inspection of the building; finalizing the blueprints, working on needed approvals and will be soliciting bids to complete the remodel work.

UPDATE July 2009: The CC was is delighted that the Grange has received a USDA grant that now provides enough funds for the commercial kitchen project!

UPDATE December 2009: The remodel and kitchen installation is proceeding beautifully! Frame carpentry, rough plumbing and electrical are complete. Sheet-rock is up and being finished then painted. Installation/ completion is expected by mid January as the Grange will be re-starting its monthly Pancake breakfasts at the end of the month.

Update: done! See video