Transportation Intro
- Details
- Created: Monday, 08 December 2014 17:40
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 March 2018 14:07
This topic focus is on Individual Transportation, Mass Transit, Freight Transport, Roads, Rails, Bike Paths, Walking Trails, Fuel Distribution for Vehicles, and any other issue that impacts moving people and goods to, from, through, or within WELL’s region of interest.
Over the years WELL has supported expanded public transit options, electric charging stations, bike and pedestrian plans and trails, put on bike shows, and held educational forums to raise awareness of transportation alternatives and reduce our community's reliance on vehicles. These issues dovetail with others, for example: local food (reducing the need for importing food supplies), local economic opportunities (so residents can live near their jobs), and improving the safety and attractiveness of our community for pedestrians and bicyclists.
WELL also submitted comments on the Caltrans Bypass early in the review process (see WELL Bypass Letter) and has served as a co-sponsor with Save Our Little Lake Valley in (unsuccessfully) seeking better alternatives to the 4-lane Freeway Bypass. (See Bypass Updates from WELL Newsletters, 2013-2015 below.) Now, as the Bypass nears completion, we are still working to improve the transportation grid within and around Willits.
Many other transportation-related documents are available on this web site including several studies completed for the City of Willits. //{ed: this link broken, will fix} You can find those here.// Also many other community groups work on transportation-related issues, for example the WHAT Walks, Haehl Creek Trail, downtown planning, safe routes to school, etc.
MCOG, the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) for our countywide region
Most of the articles in this section are out of date. We are working on getting this section up to date again.