Local Economy Intro

While we work toward local sustainabaility in food, water, and energy, we also need to have services, manufactured goods and jobs for our residents. The main industry in Willits used to be forestry, which is now only a small share. Tourism has been increasingly important, but may be adversely affected when the 101 Bypass is completed. The underground economy is also likely to be impacted by legalization in the near future.

WELL, along with the Chamber of Commerce, City and other groups, has been promoting economic opportunities meeting the triple bottom line: good for people, profit, and the planet. Forums on local investing, a business fair, and our Pay It Forward mini-loan program are examples. See other links below.03 25 Building Local wealth2 231x300Investment poster 3 22 15 240x311brasstacks j3 300x275Business fair group by Maureen MooreLocal Invest event 10 6 13 1 240x180Wowser youth at work 340x227Wowser overview 2014 340x110

Most of the articles in this section are out of date. We are working on getting this section up to date again.