This topic covers a broad range, from WELL endorsing initiative measures and holding candidates' forums to WELL sponsoring events and groups that simply build connections within our community. These connections are part of what fosters our health and self-reliance! A few recent examples of our political work include endorsing the Library sales tax and the Community Rights Initiative and co-organizing several candidates' forums for City and County elections. One example of community-building is offering WELL's insurance to groups such as Emandal Chorale.


  • Community_Rights_Network_turns_in_petitions_6-26-14-240x158.jpg
  • LocInves-sml.jpg
  • LocInves-rgb.jpg
  • Emandal_at_Ashland-closeup-240x160.jpg
  • May_Pole_at_the_Park-180x240.jpg


Most of the articles in this section are out of date. We are working on getting this section up to date again.