WELL CC meeting Feb 18 (Monday

All WELL CC meetings start @ 6:30pm

WELL Coordinating Committee meeting @ WAG/WISC office:
221-D South Lenore Street, Willits

These meetings are open to the public and all who are interested in WELL’s purpose and projects are encouraged to attend.

And the following (on the calendar on the right sidebar)
upcoming later this month:

Farmers Market at The Grange - Every Thursday 3-5:30 pm

Willits Bypass Bootprint Tours - Meet @ Little Lake Grange
Sunday Feb. 17th, 1-4pm
Wednesday Feb. 20, 1-4pm
Sunday Feb. 24, 1-4pm
Please RSVP 707-216-5549

Now & Then Films presents 3 mini-films
Thursday, 21st 7-8pm @ Grange

Grange Pancake Breakfast
8am - 111am @ Little Lake Grange, Main Hall.
Still just $6 for homemade buttermilk pancakes, bacon, juice, coffee or tea.
Natural Pancakes are whole grain & organic,with local eggs, organic juice and real Maple Syrup. $7.
Now serving Organic coffee.
Join us! Support the Grange & eat with your community.